
There are people living on the front lines.
Businessmen, athletes, specialists, actresses.
What nutrition supports them as they live each day
many times faster than the rest of us?
We have created a protein that answers this question.
1ヶ月 / 9,800円(税別)
Roasted green tea flavored
1 month / 9,800 yen (tax not included)
名称 プロテインパウダー
原材料名 粉末状大豆たんぱく(アメリカ製造)、有機アガベシュガー、有機ほうじ茶粉末、有機モリンガ末、有機大麦若葉粉末、乳清カルシウム、乳酸菌(殺菌)、デキストリン、(一部に乳成分・大豆を含む)
内容量 600g(20g x 30包)
賞味期限 約2年
保存方法 高温・多湿、直射日光を避け、なるべく冷暗所に保存してください。
販売者 マイナチュラ株式会社 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座1丁目16番7号 大栄銀座ビル5F 製造所固有記号は賞味期限の右側に記載
栄養成分表示 1包(20g)あたり エネルギー 79.4kcal / たんぱく質 11.9g / 脂質 0.8g / 炭水化物 6.2g / 食塩相当量 0.34g
name protein powder
Ingredient Powdered soy protein (manufactured in the U.S.), organic agave sugar, organic hojicha powder, organic moringa powder, organic barley grass powder, whey calcium, lactic acid bacteria (sterilized), dextrin, (contains some milk ingredients and soy)
content by volume 600g (20g x 30 packets)
best if eaten by this date Approx. 2 years
Preservation method Store in a cool, dark place as much as possible, avoiding high temperature, high humidity, and direct sunlight.
seller The unique symbol of the place of manufacture is written on the right side of the expiration date.
Nutrition Facts per 1 packet (20g) Energy 79.4kcal / Protein 11.9g / Fat 0.8g / Carbohydrate 6.2g / Salt equivalent 0.34g
Born October 6, 1993 in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. Height 171cm.
Debuted in 2014 and became an exclusive model for Shogakukan Oggi starting with the May 2019 issue.
She appeared in the Netflix original drama "Alice in Imaginary Land" in 2021 and performed in action; Season 2 will be released on December 22, 2022.
She starred as a single mother boxer in the movie "Red Shoes," released on February 24, 2023.
She is also active in a variety of film dramas and variety shows.
Translated with (free version)

私はもともと、朝食の代わりにプロテインを飲んでいました。モデルとしてのお仕事や女優としてのお仕事が目まぐるしく切り替わるハードな1日において、朝食はとても重要です。「身体への負担が軽い」「手間がかからない」「必要な 栄養が摂れる」…そんな条件を満たす朝食はプロテインが最適で、もともとジムの後に飲んでいたこともあり、私のライフスタイルにプロテインがより深く組み込まれたのは、ごく自然なことでした。

I used to drink protein instead of breakfast. Breakfast is very important in a hard day of fast-paced switching between modeling and acting jobs. Breakfast is a very important meal for me because it's easy on my body, it's hassle-free, and it provides the nutrition I need. Protein was the perfect breakfast to meet these requirements, and since I used to drink it after the gym, it was only natural that protein became more deeply integrated into my lifestyle.





Another similar item that I eat on a daily basis is "Aojiru" (green juice). As I have mentioned several times on my video channel, I carried aojiru in my pouch on a daily basis.

There is a reason why I started drinking Aojiru. In fact, there was a time when I was very troubled with rough skin, and the cause I was able to identify by looking back at my lifestyle was "location bento. As you can probably imagine, bento lunches given out at places where many people gather tend to be nutritionally unbalanced.

Thankfully, I started getting a lot of work, and while I was shooting more and more, I had less time to eat, and before I knew it, I was consuming only limited amounts of nutrition.

It was then that an acquaintance recommended Aojiru to me, and it was around that time that I began to consume it on a daily basis.



I also fast several times a year, and I find Aojiru useful as a recovery food. I think enzyme drinks are also famous when it comes to fasting, but I don't like the flavor of them.

In the pursuit of inner care, we also encountered "Moringa," which is a good match for Aojiru, and this was a major factor in the development of this protein.




The "A Protein" that I was involved in the development of this time uses organic ingredients, emphasizes plant-derived ingredients, and contains a large amount of lactic acid bacteria... I had many meetings with the development team and put a lot of effort into the development of this product.

This "commitment to ingredients" reflects a change in my lifestyle. As I grew older and got married, I added "the opportunity to cook for myself" to my life cycle.

Until then, most of the meals I had eaten had been prepared by hand, but by standing in the kitchen myself, I began to see a new world, and as I wished for the health of not only myself but also my loved ones, I began to pay more attention to "food" in terms of seasonings and ingredients.



There is no doubt that "A Protein" is "what I wanted." But more than that, I think it would be more correct to say, "I took something that was already essential to me and put it together in a way that was not overwhelming. A Protein simplified what was complicated.

Please let us hope that you will be pleased as well.

Q. 送料はかかりますか?


Q. 返品・交換は出来ますか?


Q. 定期便に縛りはありますか?


Q. 支払いは何が可能ですか





In recent years, protein deficiency has been called for due to the diversification of dietary habits. One of the causes is a "decline in food intake. While the frequency of eating decreases with age, it is a point of particular concern for women who are trying to lose weight or lose weight.

It is this "protein deficiency of modern man" that has brought protein into the spotlight outside of the gym and sports.

Proteins are broadly classified into animal and vegetable proteins, and A Protein uses soy protein (soy protein), which is a vegetable protein.


また、ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院が The New England Journal of Medicine に発表した「食生活の変化と体重変化の関係」の論文※にも、13万人を対象に行った研究結果において、大豆に関する興味深い効果が見受けられます。

もともと日本には大豆加工食品が豊富で、大豆は「日本のスーパーフード」と呼ばれることもあります。お豆腐、納豆、お味噌… ただどの大豆食品も「ひと手間」が必要なものばかりであり、定期的に一定量以上を摂取しようとするなら、プロテインとして摂るのが手軽であると言えそうです。


Whey protein and casein protein, both animal proteins, are a type of protein found in milk. Soy protein, on the other hand, is 100% plant-derived and has fewer calories and lower sugar content than animal-based proteins, which is a great advantage for women. It can be recommended as a breakfast replacement as well as after exercise.

Also, an article published by the Harvard School of Public Health in The New England Journal of Medicine* on the "Relationship between Dietary Change and Weight Change," a study of 130,000 people, found some interesting effects related to soy.

Japan has always been rich in processed soy foods, and soybeans are sometimes called "Japan's superfood. Tofu, natto (fermented soybeans), miso (soybean paste)... However, all of these soy foods require a certain amount of time and effort, and if you want to consume more than a certain amount on a regular basis, it may be easier to consume them as protein.

For an attractive feminine body and mind, we came to choose Soy Protein.

※ Bertoia ML et al. Changes in intake of fruits and vegetables and weight change in United States men and women followed for up to 24 years

30 packets per box
9,800 yen
(tax included)

Set of 3 boxes
23,520 yen
(tax included)

通常29,400円 20%OFF Regular 29,400 yen 20% OFF
【Regular delivery]
30 packets per box
6,860 yen
(tax included)

通常9,800円 30%OFF Regular 9,800 yen 30% OFF

通常29,400円 20%OFF


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