私はもともと、朝食の代わりにプロテインを飲んでいました。モデルとしてのお仕事や女優としてのお仕事が目まぐるしく切り替わるハードな1日において、朝食はとても重要です。「身体への負担が軽い」「手間がかからない」「必要な 栄養が摂れる」…そんな条件を満たす朝食はプロテインが最適で、もともとジムの後に飲んでいたこともあり、私のライフスタイルにプロテインがより深く組み込まれたのは、ごく自然なことでした。
I used to drink protein instead of breakfast. Breakfast is very important in a hard day of fast-paced switching between modeling and acting jobs. Breakfast is a very important meal for me because it's easy on my body, it's hassle-free, and it provides the nutrition I need. Protein was the perfect breakfast to meet these requirements, and since I used to drink it after the gym, it was only natural that protein became more deeply integrated into my lifestyle.

Another similar item that I eat on a daily basis is "Aojiru" (green juice). As I have mentioned several times on my video channel, I carried aojiru in my pouch on a daily basis.
There is a reason why I started drinking Aojiru. In fact, there was a time when I was very troubled with rough skin, and the cause I was able to identify by looking back at my lifestyle was "location bento. As you can probably imagine, bento lunches given out at places where many people gather tend to be nutritionally unbalanced.
Thankfully, I started getting a lot of work, and while I was shooting more and more, I had less time to eat, and before I knew it, I was consuming only limited amounts of nutrition.
It was then that an acquaintance recommended Aojiru to me, and it was around that time that I began to consume it on a daily basis.

I also fast several times a year, and I find Aojiru useful as a recovery food. I think enzyme drinks are also famous when it comes to fasting, but I don't like the flavor of them.
In the pursuit of inner care, we also encountered "Moringa," which is a good match for Aojiru, and this was a major factor in the development of this protein.

The "A Protein" that I was involved in the development of this time uses organic ingredients, emphasizes plant-derived ingredients, and contains a large amount of lactic acid bacteria... I had many meetings with the development team and put a lot of effort into the development of this product.
This "commitment to ingredients" reflects a change in my lifestyle. As I grew older and got married, I added "the opportunity to cook for myself" to my life cycle.
Until then, most of the meals I had eaten had been prepared by hand, but by standing in the kitchen myself, I began to see a new world, and as I wished for the health of not only myself but also my loved ones, I began to pay more attention to "food" in terms of seasonings and ingredients.
There is no doubt that "A Protein" is "what I wanted." But more than that, I think it would be more correct to say, "I took something that was already essential to me and put it together in a way that was not overwhelming. A Protein simplified what was complicated.
Please let us hope that you will be pleased as well.